Welcome to Avodah Charitable Trust
We warmly welcome you to the Avodah Charitable Trust website which is the hub for delivering information and administrating our Spiritual Respite referral process.
Avodah Spiritual Respite are a ministry arm of Vineyard Church in Kaikoura delivering a Men's Christian Spiritual program to those wishing to make life changes by taking timeout for healing and growth with a loving relationship in Jesus Christ. The program consists of Spirituality groups, bible study, recovery groups, and community-based groups. Also, the program has an outdoor component where participants can make the most of the environment and the activities available in the Kaikoura region.
While residing with Avoda Men's Christian Spiritual Respite, residents participate in weekly scheduled programs encouraging spiritual growth combined with a 12-step program and active engagement within the community. The program requires total absence from non-prescribed drugs and alcohol and full participation.
To apply for a placement please fill out and send a confidential referral form to our administration team. If you have an queries please don't hesitate to reach out to us.